It was a day without a mind! I wanted to feel the footsteps of Jesus deeply in my heart, but it seemed that I could not feel it properly due to the tight schedule and crowds. Nevertheless, Every time I go to a place related to Jesus, The impression of the Holy Land made me reverent.
Mt. Olives
(At Mt. Olives )
- Footprints of Jesus
(The church of the Pater Noster)
(The church of Dominus Flevit)
- This place is where Jesus preached and shed tears for the collapse of Jerusalem.
- Olives tree
(Via dolorosa)
-The wall of Jesus' hand
(The church of the Holy Sepulchre)
-The place where Jesus died
-Where put down the dead body of Jesus
(The Western Wall )
Mt. Zion
(The observatory)

(Cenaculum, Cenacle)
- What was Jesus' mind that knew all the things that would happen to him in the future?
(The Tomb of King David)
(St. Peter in Gallicantu)
- Underground prison of Jesus Christ
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