Mt. Nebo, Madaba, Machaerus, Kerak Castle, Spring of Mose
Moses heard the voice of God at the age of eighty and liberated the Hebrew nation from Egypt. Moses' obedience to God shows that Age or the environment is not important.
Mt. Nebo:
Mt. Nebo:
The place where Moses died is the memorial church and the bronze-snake sculpture.
In the church, I think about his feelings that could not go to Canaan.
The world's oldest Mosaic Bible map was found. It expresses the sacred places of the Middle East around Jerusalem, but now only one third of the original remains. The major sites of the Bible, such as Jerusalem, which is the center of the map, the Dead Sea, the Jordan River, the site of the Baptism of Jesus, Mount Sinai, and Jericho, remain intact and have a very important value.
(St.George Church)
Where John the Baptist was martyred
Herrone valley
In 1132, it was the strongest fortress in the Middle East during the Crusades.

Spring of Mose:
Entering the land of Canaan, Moses struck the rock and caused water to come out.

( Night View in front of The Prtra sella Hotel)
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