2018년 1월 11일 목요일

1. What were your expectations of technology before starting the class?
A: I thought I was just learning the Internet-based skills needed for English classes. And it helped to teach English, but I did not think it would contribute much.

2. What did you get most out of the class?
A: The perception of English classes has changed. It is impressive to say that you are giving lecture rights to students.
( About Education revolution)

3. Out of all of the the technologies/programs we learned about, which ones did you find the most useful?
A: I think it is very useful for students to make videos so that they can watch the lecture before class.
                                        (About verb)                                          

4. How will you implement technology into your language learning/teaching?
A: I want to use everything I learned in this lecture. But above all, I will make every effort to make it easy and fun for students.

5. Were the assignments/projects beneficial to you?
A: It was so beneficial and I thank my professor for learning so much beyond my expectations.

6. How was learning about the flipped classroom?
A: I think the flipped classroom is the only alternative to cope with the current educational situation.
(Flipping the Classroom: Explained )

7. What are your hopes for the future in relation to educational technology?
A:  I hope that out-of-class lessons are essential. Because it is a true learning lesson that you directly feel and see directly rather than just lecture in the classroom. I hope all the technical things that support such a class.
For example, it is hoped that the pre-recording of lectures that can be viewed in advance, and the technical things that can be carried out by group activities centered on visits, experiences and experiences are realized.